四川美术学院(英文名称Sichuan Fine Arts Institute),创建于1940年,是西南地区唯一一所高等美术院校,现有九龙坡区黄桷坪校区和高新区大学城虎溪校区,占地总面积1200亩。2018年11月,学校在重庆市两江新区选址150亩,兴办国际设计学院(中国西部艺术港)。我校具有学士、硕士学位授予权。现有中国画与书法艺术学院、造型艺术学院、设计学院、实验艺术学院、艺术教育学院、公共艺术学院、影视与动画学院、建筑与环境艺术学院、艺术人文学院等9个学院。
1. 本人护照扫描件(有效期6个月以上);(如有担保人请附担保人身份证件复印件)
2. 本人近期3.5cm×4.9cm免冠彩色照片(1张);
4.中国公民移民外国者需提交: 最近4年中在国外实际居住或学习2年以上的记录证明、注销原中国国籍证明;
5. 经过公证的最高学历证明。如申请人为在校学生,需另外提交本人就读学校出具的在学证明。中英文以外文本需附经公证的中文或英文的译文;
6. 学习成绩单。中英文以外文本需附经公证的中文或英文的翻译件;
7. 来华学习或研究计划。申请人必须提交用中文或英文书写的来华学习或研究计划
8. 推荐信。须提交两名教师的推荐信,用中文或英文书写;
9. 申请人须根据所申请的专业要求,提供包含本人简历的作品集(造型艺术类、图像媒体类、设计艺术类、建筑艺术类申请人须提供与申请专业相关的创作作品集;每幅作品下方需标注作品名称、作品尺寸等);
10. 《外国人体格检查表》复印件(原件自行保存)。申请人应严格按照《外国人体格检查表》中要求的项目进行检查。缺项、未贴有本人照片或照片上未盖骑缝章、无医师和医院签字盖章的《外国人体格检查表》无效。鉴于检查结果有效期为6个月,请申请人据此确定本人进行体检的时间;
11. HSK(汉语水平考试)4级有效证书复印件,被录取后须补交原件(汉语水平未达到专业学习要求者,需在校补习一年汉语);
1. 无论录取与否,上述申请材料均不退还。
2. 学校可根据情况,要求申请者提供补充材料或对申请者进行电话/视频笔试、面试。
专业名称 |
专业方向 |
学制 |
书法学 |
书法与篆刻 |
4年 |
书法理论与实践 |
4年 |
中国画 |
中国画 |
4年 |
绘画 |
油画 |
4年 |
版画 |
4年 |
综合艺术 |
4年 |
水彩画 |
4年 |
雕塑 |
雕塑 |
5年 |
动画 |
影视动画艺术 |
4年 |
互动媒体设计 |
4年 |
动漫产品设计 |
4年 |
影视动画编导 |
4年 |
戏剧影视美术设计 |
戏剧影视美术设计 |
4年 |
影视制作艺术 |
影视制作艺术 |
4年 |
工艺美术 |
工艺美术 |
4年 |
视觉传达设计 |
视觉传达设计 |
4年 |
产品设计 |
产品设计 |
4年 |
服装与服饰设计 |
服装与服饰设计 |
4年 |
数字媒体艺术 |
数字媒体艺术 |
4年 |
环境设计 |
环境设计 |
4年 |
工业设计 |
工业设计 |
4年 |
艺术教育 |
美术教育 |
4年 |
设计教育 |
4年 |
建筑学 |
建筑设计 |
5年 |
风景园林 |
风景园林 |
4年 |
公共艺术 |
城市形象艺术设计 |
4年 |
城市空间艺术设计 |
4年 |
城市文化艺术设计 |
4年 |
城市照明艺术设计 |
4年 |
艺术与科技 |
展示艺术设计 |
4年 |
游戏艺术设计 |
4年 |
1. 审核合格者,收到材料后15个工作日内寄发《预录取通知书》,未被录取者不再另行通知。
2.收到《预录取通知书》的学生在学校规定时间内将预交学费(第一学年学费)汇入学校指定银行账号,并将汇款凭证扫描件发送至 guojichu@scfai.edu.cn
1. 请务必在汇款时准确注明申请学生的姓名、学习专业等信息,以便核查。
2. 请保存好汇款凭证,开学注册报到时检验。
3. 正式录取通知书、来华签证申请表(JW202表)于7月中旬寄发。
4. 学生因个人原因放弃来我校报到学习,退还50%预交学费。
1. 入学时间:2022年10月,具体时间以《录取通知书》为准。
2. 被录取者应持普通护照、《录取通知书》、《外国留学人员来华签证申请表》(JW202表)前往中国驻外使(领)馆办理入境学习(X1)签证,并持以上材料及预交学费凭证原件。
3. 按通知书上规定的时间到四川美术学院报到。
4. 入学时须提供正式高中毕业证书和HSK证书原件。
Sichuan Fine Arts Institute, founded in 1940, is the only higher arts college in the Southwestern Region. It currently consists of Huangjiaoping Campus in Jiulongpo District and Huxi Campus in the college town of high-tech zone, covering an total area of 1200 mu (unit of area). In November 2018, the Institute selected 150 mu of land in Liangjiang New District, Chongqing and established the International Design School (Western China Arts Port). The Institute has the right to award bachelor’s degree and master’s degree.At present, the Institute is composed of9 schools, including the School of Chinese Painting and Calligraphy, School of Fine Arts, School of Design, School of Experimental Arts, School of Arts Education, School of Public Arts, School of Film, TV & Animation, School of Architectural and Environmental Arts, School of Arts and Humanities.
I. Applicant Qualification
1. The Applicant must be a non-Chinese citizen in good physical health;
2. Degree and Age Requirement for the Applicant:
(1) The applicant must possess high school degree or equal degree;
(2) The applicant must be above 18 upon submission of the application. (The applicant for CHONGQING MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT MAYOR SCHOLARSHIP must be under 25)
3. Based on relevant regulations, if a Chinese citizen immigrated abroad,it shall possess a foreign passport for 4 years or more and provide the record of actually living more than 2 years abroad in the latest 4 years (as of April 30 of the enrollment year) (living abroad actually for full 9 months in one year can be counted as one year; those indicated in visa records about entry and exit shall prevail).
II. Application Materials
(I) The applicant is not studying in China upon application:
1. Scanned copy of the applicant's passport (the validity shall be more than 6 months); (if there is a guarantor, please enclose the duplicate of the guarantor's certificate of identity)
2. Recent 3.5cm×4.9cm hatless color photo (1) of the applicant;
3. Student of Chinese descent (parents are of Chinese nationality originally) must submit: foreign birth certificate and certificate of cancellation of Chinese nationality;
4. Former Chinese citizen who immigrated abroad shall submit: Certificate of record of actually living or studying abroad for more than 2 years in the latest 4 years, and certificate of cancellation of Chinese nationality;
5. Notarized certificate of the highest degree. If the applicant is still a student, the applicant shall separately submit the degree certificate issued by his/her school. Text not in Chinese or English shall be enclosed with the Chinese or English translation;
6. Academic Record. Text not in Chinese or English shall be enclosed with the Chinese or English translation;
7. Study or Research Plan in China. The applicant must submit the study or research plan in China written in Chinese or English.
8. Letter of Recommendation Applicant must submit the letter of recommendation of two teachers written in Chinese or English;
9. The applicant must provide the portfolio containing his/her resume based on the requirement for the major in the application (applicant for plastic art type, image media type, design art type and architectural type must provide his/her own portfolio in relation to the major in the application; the name and size, etc. shall be marked below each work);
10. Duplicate of theForeigner’s Medical Examination Sheet(the original shall be kept by the applicant). The applicant shall strictly go through examination according to the items required in theForeigner’s Medical Examination Sheet.Foreigner’s Medical Examination Sheet with missing items or without the applicant’s photo or with photo but without seal on the perforation or without signature or seal of the physician and hospital shall be invalid. The validity of examination result shall be 6 months. The applicant shall determine the time for medical examination based on the validity.
11. Duplicate of valid certificate of HSK (Chinese language test) level 4. If admitted, the student must submit the original (those who fail the Chinese language requirement for professional study shall study Chinese language for one year in the Institute);
12.Admission Application Form for Overseas Student of Sichuan Fine Arts Institute;
13. Certificate of No Criminal Record
14. Bank deposit certificate (no less than 30,000 RMB).
(II) The applicant is studying in China upon application:
Apart from materials 1-15, the applicant shall also submit:
16. Letter of transfer consent from the overseas student office of his/her school (with official seal)
17. Valid visa or residence permit in China
1. Whether admitted or not, the aforesaid application materials will not be returned.
2. The Institute may ask the applicant to provide supplementary material or test or interview the applicant through telephone/video as the case may be.
III. Time for Application
1. March 1 to June 5 every year and October 1 to December 10 every year
2. November 30 to May 30 next year for mayor's scholarship for overseas student in Chongqing
IV. Application Method
Apply online: please scan and send all application materials to guojichu@scfai.edu.cn before the deadline. The file should be named as “Nationality+Name+Major”
V. Major for Enrollment
Name of Major |
Orientation of Major |
Length |
Calligraphy |
Calligraphy and Seal Cutting |
4 Years |
Calligraphic Theory and Practice |
4 Years |
Chinese Painting |
Chinese Painting |
4 Years |
Painting |
Oil Painting |
4 Years |
4 Years |
Comprehensive Arts |
4 Years |
Watercolor |
4 Years |
Sculpture |
Sculpture |
5 Years |
Animation |
Film, Television and Animation Art |
4 Years |
Interactive Media Design |
4 Years |
Anime Product Design |
4 Years |
Film, Television and Animation Production |
4 Years |
Drama, Film and Television Fine Art Design |
Drama, Film and Television Fine Art Design |
4 Years |
Film and Television Art |
Film and Television Art |
4 Years |
Arts and Crafts |
Arts and Crafts |
4 Years |
Visual Communication Design |
Visual Communication Design |
4 Years |
Product Design |
Product Design |
4 Years |
Clothes and Fashion Design |
Clothes and Fashion Design |
4 Years |
Digital Media Art |
Digital Media Art |
4 Years |
Environmental Design |
Environmental Design |
4 Years |
Industrial Design |
Industrial Design |
4 Years |
Arts Education |
Fine Arts Education |
4 Years |
Design Education |
4 Years |
Architecture |
Architectural Design |
5 Years |
Landscape Architecture |
Landscape Architecture |
4 Years |
Public Arts |
City Image Art Design |
4 Years |
City Space Art Design |
4 Years |
City Cultural Art Design |
4 Years |
City Lighting Art Design |
4 Years |
Art and Technology |
Exhibition Art Design |
4 Years |
Game Art Design |
4 Years |
VI. Admission Method
Professional supervisors shall form a professional review team to comprehensively check the materials from the applicant. The team mainly checks the professional level, HSK result, high school grade, etc. of the applicant, assesses comprehensively according to the grades, and admits the most eligible candidates.
VII. Advance Tuition Payment
1. Those who pass the review will receive thePre-admission Noticewithin 15 business days after the materials are received and those who are not admitted will not be notified separately.
2. Students who receive thePre-admission Noticeshall remit the advance tuition (the tuition for the first school year) to the designated bank account of the Institute before deadline, and send the scanned copy of the remittance document to guojichu@scfai.edu.cn
1. Please accurately specify the name, major and other information of the applicant upon remittance for the convenience of checking.
2. Please keep the remittance document properly for inspection upon registration when school begins.
3. Formal admission notice and application form for visa in China (Table JW202) will be issued in mid July.
4. If the student has abandoned the registration in the Institute due to personal reasons, 50% of the advance tuition will be returned.
VIII. Expenses
1. Tuition: RMB 20,000/school year/student
Tuition for Chinese language lessons: RMB 7,000/school year/student
2. Miscellaneous fees and books fee, etc. shall be separately paid upon registration.
3. Insurance premium: RMB 800/school year/student
4. Accommodation fee shall be paid according to different standards: RMB 900/month, RMB 1,000/month. Student shall pay off the accommodation fee for one school year upon registration.
IX. Registration
1. Enrollment Time: October 2022. The specific date shall be subject to theAdmission Notice.
2. The admitted shall carry ordinary passport,Admission Notice, Application Form for Visa of Overseas Student in China(Table JW202) to the Chinese embassy (consulate) to foreign countries to apply for student (X1) visa, and hold the original of the aforesaid materials and advance tuition payment voucher.
3. Student shall register in Sichuan Fine Arts Institute before the deadline specified on the admission notice.
4. Upon registration, student shall provide the original of the formal high school diploma and HSK certificate
X. Admission Contact Information
Tel.: +86-23-65920818 (consultation time: 9:00-16:00 Monday to Friday, except statutory holidays and winter holiday)
Email: guojichu@scfai.edu.cn
Web: www.scfai.edu.cn
Add: International Exchange and Cooperation Office of Sichuan Fine Arts Institute, College Town of High-tech Zone, Chongqing, China
Zip Code: 401331